- Design custom clothing for your Roblox avatar to earn extra Robux and attract interest from other players.
- Resell limited items for significant amounts of Robux after holding onto them for 30 days.
- Consider a membership for a monthly Robux stipend or purchasing Robux in bulk for in-game purchases.
Roblox enthusiasts know the value of acquiring Robux in the game, as it unlocks special items and enhances the gaming experience. Whether it’s for a stylish new outfit or a functional item to improve your gameplay, Robux is essential. If you’re looking to earn some Robux for yourself, here are a few simple methods to get started.

Video games are best enjoyed with good company, no matter your age.
Before diving into ways to earn Robux, it’s crucial to address the myth of Robux Generators. These so-called generators promise free Robux but are, in fact, scams. Their real intention is to steal your account details, including your username and password. Once they gain access, they can take over your account, seizing all your items and any accumulated Robux. Be cautious and avoid falling victim to these schemes.
6. Resell Limited Items

Limited Items in Roblox cannot be sold immediately. Only approved creators and developers have the authority to sell these Limited Items. These wearables are distinct from other Roblox clothing because they are available in limited quantities. Many games offer Limited Avatar Items for free, but to obtain them, you typically need to join a game and complete specific tasks or claim the item from a designated area.

Virtual reality games offer a fully immersive experience, transporting you directly into the game world. Here, you can explore some of the best Roblox games that feature VR support.
Once you acquire a Limited Item, you must hold onto it for 30 days before you can set a price and sell it. Due to their limited availability, many well-designed items become highly valuable, fetching significant amounts of Robux. If you obtained the item for free or at a low cost, you could earn back your initial investment and even make a profit!
5. Buy A Membership

By signing up for a premium membership, you automatically receive a monthly stipend of Robux. For $4.99 per month, you get 450 Robux, while paying $9.99 per month grants you 1,000 Robux.
The highest tier, costing $19.99 per month, provides 2,200 Robux, which is ample for enjoying the game and purchasing expensive limited items.
4. Microsoft Rewards

Microsoft Rewards offer tasks that grant you points, which can be redeemed for Robux. To obtain 100 Robux, you need to accumulate 1,500 points. While this may seem high, some tasks provide a substantial number of points. For instance, answering questions in ‘This or That?’ can earn you up to 50 points.
The availability of Robux through Microsoft Rewards is not always guaranteed. Sometimes, the option to redeem Robux may be unavailable, and you might need to wait until it becomes available again.
Although this method requires some time, especially if you aim for large amounts of Robux, it is relatively low effort and only demands a small daily commitment.

PLS DONATE is a unique Roblox game where you can donate Robux to other players. Typically, you’ll be dealing with small amounts of Robux, as illustrated in the image above. This game also offers codes to help you get started.
What are the scariest Roblox horror games? We’ve selected the creepiest ones that can be played alone in the dark or with friends!
By logging in daily and donating, you can earn Giftbux, which can be used to purchase items like a donation booth. Before setting up your booth, it’s important to create a Gamepass to sell.
2. Purchase Robux

If the membership doesn’t provide enough Robux, you can always purchase more. The bulk buying prices are similar to the membership prices: $4.99 for 400 Robux, $9.99 for 800 Robux, or $19.99 for 1,700 Robux.
Subscribing to the monthly membership is slightly more economical if you plan to purchase Robux monthly. We suggest getting the Roblox membership first and then buying additional Robux if needed.
You can also buy physical Robux gift cards at stores, which offer the same rates as online purchases but occasionally include limited edition wearables.
1. Honorable Mention: Building A Game

Although it’s not the easiest method, you can earn Robux by creating your own game.
If your game gains a following, Roblox uses a metric to determine how many premium players frequently play it, rewarding you with a stipend. Here are some features to include in your game to help you earn even more Robux:
- Encourage Non-Premium Players to Upgrade
- Host Paid Events
- Enable Private Game Servers
- Create Items That Can Be Bought Multiple Times
- Create One-Time Purchases
- Sell Access to Your Game
Building your own game requires some knowledge of game design. If you’re new to this, take your time and ensure your game is something you’d enjoy playing yourself.
You can start building your game by using Roblox Studio.
Overall, creating a game is a challenging process. We recommend examining other popular Roblox games to see how yours compares. If your game seems promising, go ahead and create it!
Deagon Quattrucci
Robux username
hola quiero robux soy pobre mi user: teogonzales74
User – kanakutagamer
Me dê robux sou geralt6644gtr
Minha conta é: Emanuelleverasbastos
Mi user para los robux ren_31456 quiero robux 🙁
Hi robux please karendaniela_007
Nombre de usuario de Roblox: Jairp201
Mis robuxxx mi nombre es Adrian003251
Hi I want robux my user: Rosangemoreno
Hello i wanna robux User- z1kaneki1z
Poss 6,000 robux plss
Name: Lele_poyt
Please give me rublox
Please give me robox my username is goofer9976
Plsss give me robux user:mama_josylen
Quero robux meu nome de usuário é
Tu contra
Jimmy chan Jr
My username account in roblox is godhuman5312
Anong date ko ma kukuha ung rublox ko
Please give me robox my username is goofer9976
Kaylan ma babalik acc ko
Give me 25000 robux
Roblox user snip790
MALEJOSANT hay dame los robux pls
Hello.. I want robux.. Only 20k
My name is… Syay69
25000 robux gratis
Cómo reclamo
Hey.. I want robux only 20k my name is
robux 125
Hola yo apenas empiezo en esto, la verdad quise hacer esto por que la verdad quiero muchas cosas de roblox pero ya no puedo comprar robux, haci que me salio esta página me gustaría mucho si me dieras 1000 o 2000 a 3000 ya que si los necesito
“User:Sxullcyber” te lo agradecería muchísimo… Muchas gracias.-Hello, I’m just starting out on this, the truth is I wanted to do this because the truth is I want a lot of things from Robloc but I can’t buy Robux anymore, since this page came up I would really like it if you could give me 1000 or 2000 to 3000 because I do need them “User:Sxullcyber” I would really appreciate it… Thank you very much
Hola yo quiero participar para ganar robux, vengo de alguien de tiktok MrRobloxPro 🙂 mi usuario es renyerlord
Free roblox
Rosaria Sciacqua
Quiero robux pls I want robux please
Hola la verdad si quiero robux mi nombre es pelaoexoticox y el apodo que tengo es xart y quiero por lo menos 1000 robux
Hola, la verdad solo eh tenido 4 robux en mi cuenta si quieren donarme robux mi nombre es Pro15foxi y el apodo que tengo es”ban” y quiero al menos 4000 robux
Pls give me robux
I already did all the steps user:crazycarlo123crazy
Hice todos los pasos mi nombre de cuenta de Roblox es toomiz123
Quero meu robux
Hola entre a este sitio por que me lo recomendaron por ser bueno, no me podrían dar robux mi nombre de usuario es nikorusan360
Keeron Guikema
pls donate 2,400 my user toomiz123 or Capybara_God
Por favor quiero robux aqui mi user:
i really want robux ive been begging for my family there refusing so this is my only chance…
username: ibrahimnonos1
also only 20k
Hola yo estoy necesitando robux urgentemente para regalarle a mi amiga que quiere comprarse el pase de los autos,el de la invasión alienígena etc,y el de premium le prometí que se los iba a dar esta semana porfa me darían 2000 o 3000 robux porfaaaa les recomendaré a todos los que pueda de esta app se los prometo mi nombre de roblox es: Lsachet1 (LA “L” MAYUSCULA Y SOLO UNA “C”) mi nombre real es Luz
Me das robux me llamo AF4S5
Me das robux mi nombre XxcamiloxX056
Medas robux por mi nombre es l_evi78
Rikita Rimple
Me das robux mi user es cucuchooco923
I need 100000 robux free
Plss robux just 5k
Pls robux, I need 5k pls
User: Lilian_XD1219
Quiero 1000 robux user zrubenzzn3
Stanna Cantillon
Mi user es Cresia12348 porfavor
Madi Farrugio
Mi user
User : jhisonalmario1
Robux: 3000
User: trissvrcocn
Robux: 30.000
Hola porfavor me podrias dar 3,500 robux
Mi user: Chikenbuggi
Uzay Woehe
my username is dannycont12
Ojalá sirviera pero mi user es Maxyntru2
I need robux
20,000 Robux plis 🙏
Quiero robux mi cuenta es @yaretcito23
Me podrían dar robux
Mi usuario es: MAFISOUP
estaré esperando con ansias 🤩
Quiero 17000rbx por favor
Hola quisiera 17000rbx
Mi cuenta es:sebaimuno
Y como todos me ven:eltocino
Gracias si me escucharon
Benedikt Schmalenbach
Robux pls :Llora_pues77